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The Moffat Era part 3: VICTORY of the DALEKS! The Review!

Posted by Sinatra The Tank | Posted in , , | Posted on 1:03 PM

EXTERMINATE! No but seriously who hasn’t missed the Dalek’s, granted I’ve been vocal about not wanting Dalek’s involved in a series finale but that’s more of wanting to see something new then dislike for the Dalek’s. In fact it seems to me that it would be nearly impossible to enjoy Doctor Who and not enjoy the Dalek’s rolling into a room. It hasn’t even been that long since we’ve had Dalek’s but sitting back watching Victory of the Dalek’s it felt like ages and I couldn’t help but just smile during the entire episode, well almost.

The story this time out is pretty simple, Doctor heads to WW2 era London and runs into Winston Churchill, Dalek’s pop up, Doctor gets mad, Plans, More Dalek’s, Space Dog Fights, etc… in many ways Victory has the weakest story of the three new episodes so far but in other ways it’s the most enjoyable episode of the lot so far, make sense? There are some intriguing story bits here and there (Who forgets Planets in the sky!?!) but overall the purpose of this episode seems to act as a big old reset button for the Dalek’s exactly how The Eleventh Hour was a reset for The Doctor, this was a Dalek Regeneration story! Besides a few bumps in the road the story is pretty fun, which is what Doctor Who should be in the end.

The Doctor has some amazing moments with the Dalek’s. Matt Smith really has taken the role and ran with it. Amy doesn’t really contribute too much this week which is kind of disappointing considering we all saw just how awesome she could be last week given the spotlight, though again there is one plot point that revolves around a revelation given by Amy that is building. I have to say I really enjoyed all the Winston Churchill stuff which I didn’t expect going in, hell Churchill should be the Doctors companion! The two obviously have had some adventures before. I will say that I extremely hated the Professor character, not that the guy was a bad actor or anything but there is a certain bit of ridiculousness that you'll need to see to understand, I get what they were trying to play with but for me it didn't work. Again though the humans weren't really the centerpiece this week so I could look past my little nitpicks.


Overall Victory of the Dalek's was a blast, defiantly the most fun we’ve had all season. It’s also nice to see the crack in time and space make a return, I’m really intrigued by it, where will it lead? I’m sure Moffat’s got a great little plan in store for all of us. Also I must say the new Dalek make-over is amazing! It’s straight up retro and I love it, makes me wanna go pop in a 4th or 5th Dalek story just for the fun of it. At the end of the day Victory was a great way to spend forty-five minutes of my weekend! Next week, WEEPING ANGELS!

Final Verdict

7.5 out of 10

Sinatra enjoys Victory of the Daleks

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